Broseley C of E Primary School

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Dark Lane, Broseley, Shropshire, TF12 5LW

01952 567630

Broseley C of E Primary School

If you have any feedback to share about our website or its accessibility, please inform the school office.

  1. Parents/Carers
  2. Home Learning

Home Learning

We like to keep our homework simple at Broseley C of E Primary: your child will be given spelling and times tables homework weekly. Above all else, we encourage you to read with your child or ensure your child is reading by themselves, if they are able, for at least 10 minutes per day. Reading is the key to accessing the curriculum and is crucial in equipping your child to thrive as a global citizen.

We want work at home to be an enjoyable experience for the family and to not create added pressures to family life. If you feel that this is not happening, please get in touch and we will consider how we can support you.

If there were ever to be occasions where pupils are learning at home due to classroom or school closures, Home Learning will be provided via Class Dojo.